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Town of Holden
Public Safety Building Committee
Meeting Minutes
April 1, 2009

6PM             HMLD

Present:        Chairman Chris Lucchesi, Rick Bates, Karl Makela, Robert Beck, David Ellis, Peter Liddy, David White, Jack Chandler, George Sherrill

Absent: Brian Forts, Mary Ryan

Others Present: Paul McAndrew, Kaestle Boos Associates, Gary Kaczmarek, Clerk of the Works, Mike Pagano, Lamoureux Pagano Associates, Robert Para, Jr. Lamoureux Pagano Associates, Elizabeth Helder, Recording Secretary

Others Absent:  Michael McKeon, Kaestle Boos Associates, Todd Costa, Kaestle Boos Associates, Corrine Sienna, Kaestle Boos Associates, Ken Costello, Kaestle Boos Associates

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 6:00PM.

Public Comment

No one from the public addressed the Committee.

Chairman's Comments

The Chairman announced that the General Contractor bids were opened at 2PM on April 1, 2009.

Chairman Lucchesi congratulated the Committee, Kaestle Boos, and the Project Management Team of Lamoureux Pagano Associates and Clerk Gary Kaczmarek on the success of the project to date. Committee will focus on the dollars and cents of the project. The Chairman cautioned Committee members to remain sensitive to the economic environment of the community. Mr. Beck commented that former committee members deserve credit for the success of this Committee. The Committee discussed an on going query to the Secretary of State's office by a group of residents in Town to stop the project from progressing.

Architect's Report

Paul McAndrew, KBA, provided an overview on the sub contractor bids that were opened on March 18th and the General Contractor bids that were opened on April 1st.

KBA will review the bid opening packages to make sure that they are complete. KBA will then prepare a recommendation based on the discovery and prepare contracts for signature.

Mr. Para said that the committee should review its list of add-alternates by which to proceed. Mr. McAndrew concurred and requested that the committee vote to approve a final add alternate list. The Committee should also take a vote to recognize the low contract bidders so the Town Manager's office can prepare the appropriate contracts for signature.

The Committee discussed the fact that the masonry sub contractor has withdrawn his bid due to clerical error. The Committee agreed to substitute the next low bidder. This will increase the masonry bid by 64K. The Chairman said that the Town Manager's office is going to pursue the masonry contractors bond.

Add Alternate Discussion


Rick Bates said he would like to see the car port included in the final project.

Dave White said that he felt that the carport was not included in the original project design and was frivolous. He said that he would not support the motion.

Motion by Rick Bates, seconded by Peter Liddy, it was VOTED 6-1 WITH 1 OPPOSED TO INCLUDE ADD ALTERNATE 4 TO THE FINAL PROJECT. (Opposed: White)

The Committee discussed the interlocking floor in the fitness room. Mr. White said that he felt that the Town could install an interlocking floor in the fitness room cheaper than the 20K bid. Additionally, the Committee can bid out the scope of work at the existing fire station to a local contractor at a substantial cost savings.

Motion by Dave White, seconded by Peter Liddy, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO NOT INCLUDE ADD ALTERNATE 5 IN THE FINAL PROJECT.

Chairman Lucchesi acknowledged the work being conducted by Clerk of the Works Gary Kaczmarek. He continues to save the project money. The Communications Tower came in significantly less than estimated.

Dave White made a motion that in principle, the committee agrees to attempt not spend the entire construction authorization and reduce the anticipated construction bid by 2M.

There was no second to the motion.

Mr. White said that he made the motion so that the Committee would not look at the project, see 3M savings, and start adding to the project just because there is money available. Mr. White said he would like to recognize the commitment of the committee to not spend money.

Mr. Bates said that as a member of the Finance Committee, the effort is laudable. However, he said he did not want to box the Committee in down the road. Mr. Makela said that the Committee had already agreed in principle to be cost effective and efficient, and did feel that the motion was necessary.

The Chairman directed Mr. McAndrew to pursue add alternates 1, 2, 3, & 4 through the General Contractor.

Mr. McAndrew commented that during the value engineering process, there were several items that had been pulled due to cost (display cases etc.). He suggested that the Committee revisit these items. Mr. McAndrew will make a recommendation to the Committee in order to reinstate these items.

Mr. Para commented that the Committee has acted financially prudently and cautiously to date. He reminded the committee that the Fire Department had requested that the Committee consider purchasing an oxygen system and an alerting system to the new building. Additionally, furniture inventory and purchase is ongoing. KBA is trying to set up a meeting with MASS COR; the furniture made by inmates in the Massachusetts corrections facilities for April 10th.

Project Management Report and Update

Mr. Kaczmarek said that the boiler installation is complete; tree clearing has been completed; the antenna will be installed on the Communications Tower next week; and construction on Radio Room began 4/1/09. A local contractor is conducting the electrical work. The existing Communications Tower will be removed for free.

Lord Associates a licensed site professional has been hired to conduct soil testing. Test results are pending.

Traffic signals have not been approved by Mass Highway. The DPW will bid this portion of the project out and will pay for it.

Dave White commended Mr. Para and LPA for his leadership on the project to date.

New Business

Next meeting: May

Treasury Business

Mr. Makela presented bills for signature and payment.

KBA submitted invoices for Skillings and Sons and AIA that need to be processed for payment.


Motion by Bob Beck, seconded by Dave White, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE APRIL 1, 2009 MEETING AT 7:20 PM.